8 Steps for Creating a Wiki in Blackboard 9.1

  1. Click Edit Mode ON > select Tools on the Course Menu > click Wikis. 
  2. Select the Create Wiki button. 
  3. Enter a Name for the Wiki and any specific Instructions in the text box.
  4. Click Yes to make the Wiki available to users.
  5. Use the Display After and Display Until date to Limit Availability of the Wiki. 
  6. Determine the Wiki Participation by choosing the desired student access options. 
  7. Determine the grading option by clicking No grading or Grade. Enter the Points Possible if you choose the Grade option. When the Wiki assignment is gradable, it will automatically add a column to the Grade center. 
  8. Click Submit.

Creating Wiki Page
  1. Select Tools on the Course Menu > click Wikis. 
  2. Open the desired Wiki by clicking the name of the Wiki.
  3. Click the Create Wiki Page button. 
  4. Enter a Name for the Wiki page and text in the Content text box.
  5. Click Submit. 

Editing Wiki Content
  1. Select Tools on the Course Menu > click Wikis. 
  2. Open the desired Wiki by clicking the name of the Wiki. 
  3. Click Edit Wiki Content and modify as you want. 
  4. Click Submit. 

How to Comment on a Wiki Page
  1. Select Tools on the Course Menu > click Wikis. 
  2. Open the desired Wiki by clicking the name of the Wiki. 
  3. Click Comment and enter text in the Comment text box. 
  4. Click Add.