What is the *real* difference between a Random Block and a Question Set (that can be randomized)?
In principle Blackboard LS "Classic"/Learn and Angel Learning Random Blocks are the same as the Blackboard "WebCT" Vista/Campus Edition Question Sets. The prime difference is in creating and adding questions to the Question Set or Random Block.
In Blackboard Vista/CE, you can create new questions or add questions from the Question Database into a Question Set. With Blackboard LS/Learn, you need to pull in existing questions from pool files in the Pool Manager.
But overall, Random Blocks and Question Sets work the same when the quiz/test/exam is delivered to the students.So, the next question is WHY are both options available in Learn 9.1 if both achieve the same result?
Question sets are new to BB 9.1. With Random Blocks, you select a source (a pool or another test), then specify the number of questions and the question type(s) to be included in the block. With a question set, you actually select specific questions, and can also filter based on other criteria such as categories or levels of difficulty.
So, you might want to include 3 questions out of a list of 5 on one topic, and 1 question out of 3 on another topic, all drawn from the same "Chapter 1" question pool. You can do that with two question sets, but to do it with random blocks you would have to split the question pool up into multiple pools.
I suspect question sets are particularly useful working with question pools supplied by a publisher, which are probably going to be chapter-based, and may also include more category/topic information than you would include if you were creating the questions yourself.
Using Question Sets provides much more flexibility. I frequently recommend creating quizzes with multiple question sets to ensure that each section of a chapter is assessed, while using randomization to give each student slightly different questions. Many instructors combine fixed questions that all students will receive with multiple question sets.